Big Blue Door is a centre where children and young adults with disabilities can receive respite care and support.
Inside the centre is a large activity room, this room incorporates a small reception area and a soft play area with a ball pit. This room will also be used for meal times; tables and chairs will be brought out at these times and when activities are being carried out
There are eight bedrooms used for overnight respite care which are simple and clean and can be made unique with accessories to the individual client’s needs.There are different types of beds to suit the needs of all; these include 2 safe spaces and 2 medical beds.
The centre consists of three floors; basement, ground floor and upper floor. There is a lift which will be used to take physically disabled clients to all areas of the building safely.
There is a hydrotherapy pool with changing area, tracking and hoist, wash basin and toilet facilities all floor surfaces are non-slip.
There is a main office and a small relative’s room where parents/carers can talk to staff in private.
Through the main entrance door there is an area where clients are able to hang their coats. Just past this area is a lounge were CCTV is in operation, this is equipped with TV, computers, iPads, games consoles, books, beanbags and settee’s.
There is an outside play area which houses a variety of apparatus. We have a large fully equipped commercial kitchen where all meals will be prepared. A hatch is integrated within the wall which is accessible through the main activity room where children and young adults can request things from the kitchen and collect/return their meals/cutlery.
The Big Blue Door also has laundry room equipped with a washing machine, tumble dryer, sluice sink, hoover, carpet cleaner and other household cleaning equipment.
There is also a medical room which includes a medication cabinet, sink and cupboards for storage. We have a disabled toilet and toilet cubicles; next to the toilets is a wet room/disabled bathroom.
The upper floor is accessible via the lift or stair case. Upstairs there is a small lounge area, kitchenette and eight bedrooms. There is also a disabled bathroom with tracking and a hoist and a wet room/disabled bathroom with shower and toilet.

Home cooked meals and snacks are provided for all whom attend this setting. Clients are encouraged to indicate their preferences, however we try to give clients healthy, nutritionally balanced meals at all times. New foods are offered constantly in an attempt to broaden the range of foods eaten by each client.
Communication is an important part of all our lives, as a staff team, we do our upmost to provide a communication system that is meaningful to the individual. Other than speech, we use PECS (picture exchange communication system), Makaton (sign language), body language, gestures, facial expressions and intensive interaction. We look for what has meaning for a particular individual to reduce stress and help them feel good about themselves in a world that doesn’t make sense to them.
Even challenging behaviour is form of communication; people do not behave badly for no reason, it is our job, to find out what it is they are trying to tell us.