My Life – My Choice Limited provides a wide range of services to children and young adults with disabilities and/or Autism. We provide services to children aged 0-17 years and can continue to provide support in the transition period of their lives from age 18-25yrs. The company provides a flexible and responsive service to meet the client’s needs 7 days per week/52 weeks per year.

Our Intention

  • To provide a variety of services and support to children and young adults with disabilities
  • To provide flexible, support, outreach services and care packages 24hrs per day, 7 days per week, 52 weeks per year (Closing only on Bank Holidays and staff training days)
  • To provide overnight respite care for no more than 21nights in a row
  • To provide eight overnight respite beds for those whom require this service
  • To provide for children and young adults aged 0-25 years, both male and female
  • To provide emergency respite care and services to children whose families who are in crisis
  • To provide all clients with a planned and co-ordinated transition as and when required

Our Aims and Objectives

  • To provide a stimulating and enjoyable experience for every client
  • To promote independence and positive behaviours
  • To teach and develop life skills through participation in a range of activities
  • To have a safe environment to relax in
  • To promote opportunities and give support to all clients with disabilities and their families to enable all to reach their full potential
  • To provide a needs-led, client centred service
  • To provide informed choices and an array of opportunities to each and every client
  • To assess and take acceptable risks in order to enable all to develop to their full potential
  • To promote confidence and independence


  • We have a number of values which are important to the children and young adults who use our services.
  • Dignity and Respect: We value all of our children and young adults. Each is unique and has the right to be treated with the upmost dignity and respect at all times.
  • Equality: We ensure that the services and facilities we provide are accessible and available to all. The service provided by our staff does not judge circumstances, backgrounds and lifestyles. Discrimination on the grounds of race, culture, language, religious beliefs, gender, sexuality or disability is not acceptable. We are committed to treating children and young adults fairly.
  • Quality: We provide and promote quality services which are based on agreed standards and meet legal and good practice requirements. A commitment to ensure that staff working with children and young adults will do what they say they will do.
  • Independence: A commitment to provide opportunities for children and young adults to think and act independently whilst ensuring their safety at all times. To include a child or young adults need for privacy.
  • Rights: A commitment to promote the clients legal rights and entitlements.
  • Listening: A commitment to listen to all clients to help them express their wishes and needs in whatever way is best suited to the individual concerned.
  • Development and Fulfilment: Encouragement and support is given to children and young adults to realise their full potential and help them achieve their hopes and ambitions, and to develop their abilities in daily life.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring that all personal information is treated in confidence.

Alongside these values, we believe that:

  • All clients are unique and are children/young adults first, regardless of disability.
  • All efforts should be made to minimize the effects of a child/young adult’s disability.